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국회 박근혜 [잃어버린7시간] 조사착수!

세계적인 언론사 ALJAZEERA 의 기사입니다.

South Korea parliament probes Park's 'missing hours'

한국국회에서 박근혜의 세월호 잃어버린7시간에 대해서 조사하였다.

South Korean MPs are holding a hearing to investigate why impeached President Park Geun-hye went "missing" during a major ferry disaster in 2014 - the latest trouble to hit the pressured leader.

국회의원들은 탄핵당한 박근혜는 2014년 세월호 사건발생당시 자취를 감췄는지 조사하였다.

Seven hours elapsed between the first news reports that a ferry carrying hundreds of children was sinking off the nation's southern coast in April 2014 and her first TV appearance that day.

2014년 4월 수백명의 아이들이 탄 배가 남해에서 가라앉고 있다는 뉴스가 보도된지 7시간만에 박근혜가 TV에 모습을 들어냈다.

The tragedy - which claimed the lives of 304 people, many of them teenagers from one high school - continues to gnaw at the nation's consciousness, especially because a rescue effort was widely seen as botched.

형편없는 구조로 비극을 초라했으며 304명의 생명중 대부분이 10대의 고등학생이 었다.

A parliamentary panel looking into the allegations is holding a hearing specifically on the missing seven hours, and the incident was included by parliament in a motion to impeach Park earlier this month.

국회는 특히 잃어버린7시간에 대한 혐의점을 찾고있으며 이는 이번달초 박근혜를 탁핵시컨것에도 연관이 있다.

Botox and Placenta injections

보톡스 와 태반주사

Park Young-sun, of the opposition Democratic Party, held up a placard at last week's hearing showing two photos of Park, before and after the day of the disaster.

야당의 민주당,박영선의원은 세월호 참사의 전 과 후 의 박근혜사진을 보여줬다.
The photos focused on Park's eyes, which she said appeared to have undergone anti-wrinkle treatment. Park's office has denied she had been receiving Botox injections at the time
사진은 주름개선시술이 한것처럼보이는 박근혜의 눈을 집중 포커스 하였다. 박근혜는 그시간동안 보톡스맞은것에 대해서 부정했다.

"Today at the hearing, we heard from a doctor who had regular access to her presidential residence. He admitted that he did administer hormone injections to President Park, injections including placenta material, but didn't confirm anything about the use of sedatives."

대통령 관저를 자주 출입했던 의사에게 들었다. 그는 박근혜에게 호르몬 관리주사를 놓았던것을 인정하였다. 호르몬 주사에는 태반주사를 포함시켰지만 진정제 사용에대해서는 인정하지 않았다.

During the second of three televised apologies over the crisis, she said: "There are rumours that I am in a cult, or that there was a performance of a ritual in the Blue House, but this is not true at all."

두,세번쨰 대국민담화에서 박근혜는 잃어버린7시간동안 종교적 의식절차(굿) 를 했다는 소문은 사실이 아니라고 부정했다.

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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