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미국 추가 대북제재 고려 항공 포함! 12월



2016년 12월3일 뉴스입니다.

US imposes additional sanctions on N. Korea, including Air Koryo

미국이 고려항공을 포함하여 추가 대북제재를 가하였다.

The United States imposed additional sanctions on North Korea on Friday, blacklisting seven individuals and 16 entities, including the country's flag carrier, Air Koryo, for their links to weapons proliferation or foreign currency earnings for the regime.

지난 금요일, 미국은 7명의 개인들과 북한의 대표항공사인 고려항공을 포함한 16개의 북한기업들을 무기운반급증& 외환 차단의 목적으로 추가 대북제재를 시행하였다.

The Treasury Department measures came two days after the UN Security Council adopted a new package of sanctions designed to choke off major sources of hard currency for the North, including putting a cap on coal exports, its single biggest source of foreign money.

국제연합안정보장이사회의 추가제재안인 북한의 주요수출품목인 석탄거래 제재를 가하여 외화자금을 차단시킨다는 발표를 한 2틀뒤에 미국재무부의 시행이 있었다.

The new US sanctions targeted individuals and entities engaged in transportation, labor exports, trade in coal and energy, and financial services, demonstrating Washington's commitment to dry up revenue sources for Pyongyang.

새로운 미국의 제재안은 북한의 운송, 노동력수출, 석탄&자원 거래 그리고 금융분야를 목표로 삼았으며 이는 워싱턴의 약속(=미국정부의 약속) 인 평양의 수익창출원(북한의 수익창출근본) 을 말리겠다는 것을 보여주고 있다.

"These sanctions aim to cut the flow of financial resources to North Korea and further counter the regime's destabilizing and provocative behavior," Adam J. Szubin, acting under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in a statement.

이러한 제재들은 북한으로의 자금흐름을 막고 북한의 현정권과 선제적 행동을 불안정하게 하기위해서이다.

The full list of 16 entities and seven individuals blacklisted by the Treasury Department.

미국재무부의 제재를 당한 16개의 북한기업과 7명의 북한사람들 리스트

- Air Koryo
- Daewon Industries
- Kangbong Trading Corporation
강봉 무역
- Korea General Corporation for External Construction

- Korea Haegumgang Trading Corporation

- Korea Kumsan Trading Corporation

- Korean National Insurance Corporation.

- Korea Oil Exploration Corporation

- Korea Rungrado General Trading Corporation

- Koryo Bank
- Korea Credit Development Bank

- Kumgang Bank
- Mansudae Overseas Project Group of Companies,

- Namgang Construction
- North East Asia Bank,
- Rason International Commercial Bank
라존 국제상업은행

- Chang Chang-ha, president of Second Academy of Natural Sciences

- Chang Kyong-hwa, official of Second Academy of Natural Sciences

- Cho Chun-ryong, chairman of the Second Economic Committee

- Kim Chol Chol-nam, president of Korea Kumsan Trading Corporation

- Kim Se-gon, representative of Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry

- Pak Han-se, vice chairman of the Second Economic Committee

- Mavungal Hussain, a Pakistani linked to Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation.



정보출처: 연합뉴스


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